Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to make cream cheese

How to make cream cheese

I recently made my own cream cheese! You will not believe how easy this is.

Take a medium size bowl

A flour sack type cloth or cheese cloth(a couple layers thick)

Lay the cloth over the bowl and then pour at least a pint of yogurt in it.

Collect the edges and tie a rubber band around it several times to keep it closed.

Here comes the fun part :-) Now hang your little bundle by the rubber band on one of your cabinet hinges or knobs over the bowl. The whey will start to drip out.

Let your yogurt continue to drip until it drips no longer(usually a couple of hours).

Then take down your bundle and open it up. You have cream cheese! If you want, add a little finely ground sea salt and put in a sealed container in the fridge. Super creamy and delicious!

Save your whey- it is so nutritious for you, and you could try your hand at some lacto-fermented veggies :-)

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