Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Food for thought

Rethinking how we eat Part 1
Inspired by reading- Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life

Is it possible as Christians we have been sucked into the worldly way of eating? Have we forsaken simplicity and nature for the latest thing?

As I think about these sorts of questions I can’t help but think about God’s word. We are supposed to be “in the world, but not of the world” what does that mean for us. It is not just our clothing, or media choices that might separate us from the world’s likeness. Could it be the way we eat? How we buy our food and where we buy our food?

We know that the Lord wants us to take care of our “temple”. We should be taking care of our bodies from the stewardship point of view so we are better able to serve the Lord. We will spend less time “sick” and have the energy and vitality to invest in the lives of others. That, after all, is what we were called to do in the great commission.
So, what about how we buy our food, what could the Bible have to say about that? There are several things that come to mind. The bible talks about the “laborer being worthy of his hire” , is our local farmer worthy of his hire? Should be buy food from them instead of Walmart? Something in me says yes for several reasons. Stewardship comes to mind again. It takes less energy to buy local food than it does to have it brought from Mexico. From a different stewardship angle you are getting fresher and better food, and will be healthier. The great commission comes to mind again as we build relationships with people around us like our farmers. We will have opportunities to witness, not only through our actions of supporting them, but through our constant contact in their lives.

What if we are feeding our worldly habits? Have we forgotten self-control when it comes to eating?

There is something to be said about eating what is in season. We will be grateful for when “new things” come into season, like a ripe tomato! Oh the joy and extravagance from waiting all winter to bite into a juicy tomato, but when winter rolls around again, we can look forward to “new” crops. Perhaps we have become a little too accustomed to having everything NOW. Has the world crept in with out us noticing? Have we said no to God's best for us? Choosing to eat lousy, tasteless produce when it is out of season. Maybe it is better for our character to wait for the foods that each season brings. To have a celebration at each season, because there will actually be something to celebrate. We will have different weather, but different foods as well. We will have something to look forward to and something to be thankful for. When we get too far removed from the dirt and the animals we forget the miracle process that God made it. We forget the work, the toil, the waiting and watching, but the reward is amazing! We harvest, we store, we eat. The blessing is greater and we are happier.

I believe when we slow down and see the world around us, nature working and us taking our part, God will speak to us, and we will respond with thankfulness and joy. He will grow our character as he grows his world!

I know this is a very controversial subject, and my own household isn't ready to give up those special treats like chocolate and bananas, but I can't help thinking that hard times are coming our way and we might have to live seasonally anyway. Let me know your thoughts and what your view on food is.