Monday, October 31, 2011

natural souces of calcium

Green leafy vegetables
Beans- navy, white, and garbanzo
Sesame seeds with hull on
Blackstrap molasses
Goats/cows milk unpasteurized or homogenized
Chia seeds
Red raspberry leaves(taken by capsule or tea)
Rich bone broths from healthy animals
Egg shells dissolved in apple cider vinegar
Healthy raised eggs
Nuts(excluding peanuts)
Dandelion(greens eaten, or tea)
Herbs in general

The beauty of getting your calcium naturally is that
your body is getting the supporting minerals and vitamins it needs
to assimilate calcium.
Recent studies are showing supplements are more harmful than helpful. Bone
loss and bone spurs are becoming more common despite the suggested use
of supplements and increased dairy intake.
Another avenue to consider is foods that strip calcium from the bones,
which would be highly processed foods, sugar, and the like.

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