Where to start... this year, though not over, has been one of the hardest of my life. There have been just as many good things in it as well. I must confess, I often get caught up in the whirlwind, wondering how I will survive the current trial or test. A week later I am saying, wow, that wasn't so bad, and the "new" trial seems so much harder. The Lord certainly gives us what we ask for, "Lord, grow me, prepare us for the ministry, let me glorify You!" Wow, if we continually submit, the next thing comes and we continue to grow, but, baby, those growing pains hurt!
Some of the things I have learned this year are:
strengthening relationships, getting things right, confessing sin, forgiving, letting go of hurt, taking a chance, caring for others more than myself, to love my enemy, care for the lost.
How is it my thoughts are SO selfish! Lost in my mind, my own cares, forgetting that others bear heavy burdens too. "Lord, help me to see others like you do!"
There are so many questions that have been going through my mind, and they still are, the Lord has not answered, and I am trying to patiently wait. There are times when the deceiver speaks into my mind and makes me question the goodness of God, that His plan must have gone off course. How silly of me to think God's plan would be my plan :-) Ideally it would match up, but in my humanity, I think my desires and thoughts are what God wants for me. I am more focused on myself than the "big picture".
I am so thankful for the Lord's everlasting love, never ending love, sheltering love. "O, Jesus, help me to see through your eyes! If I did, I would not act the way that I do." What does it take for us to stay in His spirit? Do not forsake your brothers and sisters in Christ( there have been so many words spoken to me from the Lord through another believer) Do not forsake His word( He has given us all we need to follow him. Are we even trying to learn it?) Do not forsake fellowship with Him(worship and prayer connect us to him in a powerful way!) Do not run from rebuke(The Lord is chastening us to make us like Himself, not to hurt us. If we submit we grow, if we rebel we drift away.) They say pride is the root of all sin. I think it must be true. Humility is so crushing, so against who I want to be. God won't use the person who says "my way", He uses the person who says "Your way".
Some books that have been influencing me lately on my spiritual journey:
so good! Wow, my heart is way too wrapped up in stuff!
Wow, I read this book, and felt as free as a bird! Does God really forgive me and love me no matter what I do. That is what I say I believe, but do I live that way? I found myself saying "no"! I only wish I could keep these concept alive in my mind all the time- it totally transformed my life.
I love this guy! What an energized man on a mission! So grateful for his wisdom with finances. We are still in the process, but team Powers is on the way to the finish line! I have learned that some of my thinking about stuff, money, our future, has been wrong, and unbiblical. May the Lord take us to the next step financially as we seek to honor Him in every area of life!
What a great DVD series, if you ever get the chance to go through it, do so! It is so amazing how God has spoken into every area of life! The order and design that He created is self-evident and a reflection of who He is. Our Christianity touches all areas of life!
What are some of the good things: It would take pages... the Lord has blessed us beyond words! From wild geese in the freezer, to yummy food, clothing, workers, healing. We never feel a lack of care from our Father. He has blessed us with wonderful friends committed to His truth. Children who continually make us laugh and wonder. A car that has saved us lots on fuel! Good fellowship with family...
We trust that He will continue to lead us to do His will. To open the door for us to serve Him in a full-time capacity.
I would appreciate your prayers as I seek to follow the Lord.
I want to be a lovely, attentive wife.
A mother who cares more about spending time with her loves, than cleaning her house.
Thinking of others before myself in conversation, becoming a good questioner.
Trusting the Lord's plan for us, that His timing is perfect.
Becoming a better pray-er. For my family, for others, for my church, and nation.
To have a song in my heart. I often let the dark thoughts loom to heavily in my mind.
Living in the grace of Jesus and the work He has done on the cross, and to share that passion with those who do not know it!
We are a family of four. We like to eat healthy, be outside, spend time with friends, gather old things (including an old house) and above all READ! This blog will be a way for us to communicate to you what we find in life and what we believe to be true.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Death by Chocolate
Chocolate lovers come nigh!
I have made a chocolate recipe that I LOVE!
I have made a chocolate recipe that I LOVE!
It's rich, dark, and decadent, and you won't believe it's good for you!
Raw cocoa butter
I really like this cocoa butter. It is good quality and will make your chocolate SO good! A little goes a long way, so don't be scared by the price. I would keep it in the freezer for long storage.
Coconut oil
I did not put this in the recipe before, but I now believe it is necessary for a smoother chocolate. If you like your chocolate a little harder just stick with the cocoa butter. Amazon is a great resource for coconut oil. Health food stores always have it on hand as well.
Cocoa powder
Buy something good quality. I would recommend an organic variety and something that is free trade. Amazon is another great resource for this. I bought mine through a local food coop.
Raw honey
I sweetened my chocolate with raw honey. Filtered or unfiltered will work. Make sure it is raw for max nutritional benefits. Usually found at a local grocery store or health food store. Local honey is great for allergy suffers. What better way to have some, then through chocolate!
Vanilla( optional)
Just make sure it isn't that awful imitation stuff. We are going for superior flavor in our chocolate!
Essential oils (optional) or other natural flavorings
This is for different flavors. The oil distributes beautifully because you are mixing it into an oil.
Only a few drops are needed. I would recommend Nature's Alchemy as a good resource for quality oil. You want something pure and not diluted.
Try- Orange, lemon, peppermint, or lavender
Toppings( optional)
Chopped dried fruit
Chopped herb
Let's get started.
What you need
Measuring devices
Parchment paper/wax paper
Cookie sheet or other shape for molding
Recipe- this makes quite a bit. It will last you for a while, or maybe it won't ;-)
1 cup cocoa butter
1-3 T of coconut oil(makes a creamier/smoother chocolate)
1 1/2 cups cocoa powder ( I would start with 1 1/4 cups and work up, you don't want it too thick)
2/3 cup raw honey
1/2- 1 tsp of vanilla
Take parchment paper and line a small to medium sized cookie sheet(with edges) It is best if the paper goes up on the sides. You could use a bread pan to make a thick bar, or use candy molds for small shapes.(no paper needed for the molds)
Melt cocoa butter in small- medium sized pot. Use low to medium-low heat so the cocoa butter is not damaged. ( if adding coconut oil do it now)
Once melted remove from heat. Whisk in cocoa powder. Once incorporated add honey and vanilla. Keep whisking till it slightly thickens and becomes shiny.
At this time you could flavor your chocolate with essential oil of choice or extract of choice.
I decided to pour half of my mixture and then do a different flavor for the second half.
Poor chocolate onto cookie sheet and add any toppings at this time. Put in the fridge for about 30mins to 1 hour. Take your chocolate out and snap into pieces or release from mold. In the summer it should be stored in the fridge to keep firm. The cocoa butter will become soft at warmer temperatures.
ENJOY! You will be so glad you made this. It's as simple as 123! Super healthy, and super good!
Please share any flavor combos you come up with!!
note: Stevia extract can be used. The proportions would need to be changed( something I have not yet tried)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Food for thought
Rethinking how we eat Part 1
Inspired by reading- Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
Is it possible as Christians we have been sucked into the
worldly way of eating? Have we forsaken simplicity and nature for the latest
As I think about these sorts of questions I can’t help but
think about God’s word. We are supposed to be “in the world, but not of the
world” what does that mean for us. It is not just our clothing, or media
choices that might separate us from the world’s likeness. Could it be the way
we eat? How we buy our food and where we buy our food?
We know that the Lord wants us to take care of our “temple”.
We should be taking care of our bodies from the stewardship point of view so we
are better able to serve the Lord. We will spend less time “sick” and have the
energy and vitality to invest in the lives of others. That, after all, is what
we were called to do in the great commission.
So, what about how we buy our
food, what could the Bible have to say about that? There are several things
that come to mind. The bible talks about the “laborer being worthy of his hire”
, is our local farmer worthy of his hire? Should be buy food from them instead
of Walmart? Something in me says yes for several reasons. Stewardship comes to
mind again. It takes less energy to buy local food than it does to have it
brought from Mexico .
From a different stewardship angle you are getting fresher and better food, and
will be healthier. The great commission comes to mind again as we build
relationships with people around us like our farmers. We will have
opportunities to witness, not only through our actions of supporting them, but
through our constant contact in their lives.
What if we are feeding our worldly habits? Have we forgotten
self-control when it comes to eating?
There is something to be said about eating what is in
season. We will be grateful for when “new things” come into season, like a ripe
tomato! Oh the joy and extravagance from waiting all winter to bite into a
juicy tomato, but when winter rolls around again, we can look forward to “new”
crops. Perhaps we have become a little too accustomed to having everything NOW.
Has the world crept in with out us noticing? Have we said no to God's best for us? Choosing to eat lousy, tasteless produce when it is out of season. Maybe it is better for our
character to wait for the foods that each season brings. To have a celebration
at each season, because there will actually be something to celebrate. We will
have different weather, but different foods as well. We will have something to
look forward to and something to be thankful for. When we get too far removed
from the dirt and the animals we forget the miracle process that God made it.
We forget the work, the toil, the waiting and watching, but the reward is
amazing! We harvest, we store, we eat. The blessing is greater and we are
I believe when we slow down and see the world around us,
nature working and us taking our part, God will speak to us, and we will
respond with thankfulness and joy. He will grow our character as he grows his
I know this is a very controversial subject, and my own household isn't ready to give up those special treats like chocolate and bananas, but I can't help thinking that hard times are coming our way and we might have to live seasonally anyway. Let me know your thoughts and what your view on food is.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Rainy day thoughts
Spring is here. It has rained the last two days. The world is wet and brimming with life. Our apple blossoms are ready to burst open, the peas are growing great guns, and bird songs fill the air. The hill behind our house is shrouded in a heavy mist. The leaves are bringing their color to the landscape. There is an eerie, peaceful sort of feeling that comes from looking at the mist. It reminds me of "Much Afraid" as she is climbing the mountain. She is nearing her journey's end. Like "Much Afraid" I too am on a journey. I want to be shrouded by the mist of God. Not to act like a Christian, but be one. Letting Jesus live through me, obeying His spirit, listening for that still small voice and acting upon what I hear.
The battle for our lives seems to be raging hotter as we seek to obey the Lord and forsake our own agenda. The misty hill brings a sense of calm, coolness, refreshing. Sleepless nights, financial stress, and growing children stretch us, weaken us. Yet God is pleased, for we are where we are supposed to be- in our weakest state. Through our weakness He is made strong. When we run to Him and give Him our weakness he is whispering "Yes, this is what I have meant for you to do all along. Let me live through you." Why is it we think being a Christian makes our life easy? That if we manage our lives properly everything will turn out okay? "If I could just get enough sleep I would be cheerful" or "when I have enough money I will give". This is the way we think, but not what God thinks. He says "let me turn this impossible situation into something beautiful and let me work through you. Would you be my broken vessel?" The Lord will use anything to draw us to Himself. When we see the Lord work through our weakness, when we know it was not our own doing, but His alone, then there is a refreshing of the spirit, a joy that lifts the heavy heart. We have been emptied and Christ is living through us. That is what being a Christian is all about, our hearts desiring to live for Him, to be like Him. To let Him live through us.
Through trials, the Lord is opening our eyes to give thanks in ALL things. Though we do not often see the purpose or plan of God, we know what He has said to us, and we know that He is good. Nothing is wasted with God! Let our eyes continually be opened to the work He is doing in us and around us.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
What will be, will be
Spring has come and we are so... busy! Some happenings around the Powers' house are:
Dirt successfully brought to the back yard. Our rake broke, so we are sill smoothing and not quite ready for grass yet.
Dirt successfully brought to the back yard. Our rake broke, so we are sill smoothing and not quite ready for grass yet.
One of our hens is sitting on about 18 eggs. Her nest has so much down on it.
I can't wait for the little ones!
We have continued to plant and dig and dig some more. Here are some of our "guilds".
We are creating a self sustaining habitat around our trees.
Different kinds of plants are added that perform different functions.
I have been cleaning and organizing up a storm. It feels good!
Here are a few of the wonderful books I am reading right now.
Can I just say how wonderful "Large Family Logistics" is! It would be a wonderful read for any mother, or mother to be. I would go as far to say for anyone who wants to run their household efficiently. I was so encouraged by this book written by a mother with 9 children and who has a solid biblical perspective on what that means.
"Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" lets just say there will be a post in the future about how that book is changing the way I think about food! A real joy to read!
Last, but not least, is our new car!
Let me just say that this has been a.....trial....yes. Ugh. After seeking the Lord's guidance to buy this car we went ahead and bought what seemed the best choice for us.
We are still getting it fixed(need I say more) . Our "new" car didn't come with all the wonderful expectations we thought it would.
Somehow it seemed more magnified because of our previous year long car trial(that is still in limbo).
At the end of it all, we still praise God and thank Him for his provision, and we hope to enjoy our car for many years to come!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Dirt and Ducks
Jules and Emily, you have inspired me to make my blog a reflection of what is happening in life, not just tidbits of information. Thanks for sharing so intimately the happenings of your life!
What have we been up to? Well, allot :-)
Dirt, trees, ducks, life, life, life!
Some new developments on the Powers estate (hehe). Two dump truck loads of dirt that are raising our soggy back yard. Seth has been working tirelessly to bring the dirt to our back yard from the front yard. Our very generous neighbor has let us use his tractor to do so(wow, what a blessing) We have trees coming this week and we have to have our dirt project mostly done... We feel so blessed to have been able to take this step to heal our land and get it done so early this Spring.
We have 3 new ducks. They are Muscovy ducks. They are going to be good mothers and raise their own ducklings. We plan to have a nice flock of ducks to use for meat and eggs this year. Muscovy ducks are wonderfully large meat birds and they are wonderful at foraging for their food. Our other ducks are Khaki Campbell ducks and they are good foragers too, but they are mostly for egg production as they are much smaller than the Muscovy. We were thankful to find a good deal on Craigslist, and they were not too far away either. Praise God for another provision this Spring!
What have we been up to? Well, allot :-)
Dirt, trees, ducks, life, life, life!
Soggy back yard. |
This is where 3 of our pear trees will go. |
We have 3 new ducks. They are Muscovy ducks. They are going to be good mothers and raise their own ducklings. We plan to have a nice flock of ducks to use for meat and eggs this year. Muscovy ducks are wonderfully large meat birds and they are wonderful at foraging for their food. Our other ducks are Khaki Campbell ducks and they are good foragers too, but they are mostly for egg production as they are much smaller than the Muscovy. We were thankful to find a good deal on Craigslist, and they were not too far away either. Praise God for another provision this Spring!
Muscovy ducks. |
Ducks enjoying the water. |
Are your ducks in a row? |
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
DIY canvas print
I had a lot of fun making this simple distressed canvas print for my living room.
Here's how:
8x10 artists canvas or larger if you have the printing capability
http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.com/ This website to find your print
Figure out your printing options and size it properly to your regular 8x10 printing paper
I then water colored my prints. You could skip this step and get a different look.
Then make a paste of flour and water(not too thick or too thin)
Use a medium size paint brush and coat the canvas, then lay your dried print onto the sticky surface. There might be some creasing(I thought it added character)
Then do a coat of the flour/water mixture on the top and edges till it seems really well adhered.
The flour will mute your picture and give it more texture, if you were looking for a cleaner look, modge podge could be used.
When it is damp rip the edges off to create a greater distressed look.
While drying take some plain black tea bags and put a little warm/hot water on them.
Dab/rub/paint on your canvas, this will give it that lovely old look.
Completely dry and then hang on the wall!
I seriously did 6 of these in an evening. The possibilities are endless!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Back to eden film
What a neat video to watch about gardening.
I love this man's enthusiasm for God.
There is nothing like working outside and being close to the Lord.
I love this man's enthusiasm for God.
There is nothing like working outside and being close to the Lord.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
How to make cream cheese
How to make cream cheese
I recently made my own cream cheese! You will not believe how easy this is.
Take a medium size bowl
A flour sack type cloth or cheese cloth(a couple layers thick)
Lay the cloth over the bowl and then pour at least a pint of yogurt in it.
Collect the edges and tie a rubber band around it several times to keep it closed.
Here comes the fun part :-) Now hang your little bundle by the rubber band on one of your cabinet hinges or knobs over the bowl. The whey will start to drip out.
Let your yogurt continue to drip until it drips no longer(usually a couple of hours).
Then take down your bundle and open it up. You have cream cheese! If you want, add a little finely ground sea salt and put in a sealed container in the fridge. Super creamy and delicious!
Save your whey- it is so nutritious for you, and you could try your hand at some lacto-fermented veggies :-)
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by William Davis
This is a great book. This will awaken your brain to the nitty gritty details about our food(primarily wheat). Unfortunately in this day and age we have to investigate everything. Science is revealing shocking results about how our food is effecting us. It is time to rethink the American diet and embrace food that nourishes and protects our bodies.
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