Poor ducks, they thought it was dinner time because I went to the pen :-)
Those are just a few of the busy things going on these days. God has been showing us so much from His word. I don't even know where to start, but He continually woos us to Himself and is showing us the delights of trusting in Him and allowing Him to change us from the inside out. I have been continually struck by the Pharisees in the gospels. (I am reading a chronological Bible, and I highly recommend trying one)They think they have it all together, that they are even doing things the best and right way, yet their hearts were so far from God. It has been my hearts cry to keep from being like that, to love God so much that He pours out and effects all of my life, not because of a bunch of rules, but because of love.
Raising children continues to be one of the hardest endeavours of my life. There is never a dull moment. If only there would be one once in a while ;-) Somebody is crying, or fussing, or needs something. Sacrifice and growth are the name of the game as God stretches me and teaches me about relationships mattering more than the externals and every day responsibilities of cooking and cleaning. My task oriented nature says, torture, but it is so rewarding to have a sweet smile or a hug from one of my children because I spent time with them. They love it, and what good have I done if I loose their souls and gain the world. I have been so blessed by these two little people, I couldn't imagine life without them. Their personalities already shine so brightly. God has good things for them, and I hope to be a part of that!
Speaking of kids.. I guess they need some dinner :-) A woman's work it never done they say. Humn, I think it's true :-)